Case study: accelerated Training based on the vibration Power Plate developing muscles in legs

Accelerated training based on the vibration Power Plate developing muscles in legs


The study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 20 (1), 123-129, in 2006 looked at the evolution of the leg muscles during training accelerated based on the vibration Power Plate. The subjects also performed standard exercises for the legs, without additional weights on the Power Plate. Similar exercises have been carried out both by the group that was trained on the Power Plate, as well as to those who used the Power Plate.

efectele Power Plate 2Conclusion: Accelerated training based on vibrations led to an increase in muscle mass has trained well over average taxpayers who have used antrenametul without vibrations. In numbers, during training, accelerated on the Power Plate, leg muscle activity was between 7.8 and 82.4% MCV *.

*MCV (mean corpuscular volume) it is a measure of the mean red blood cells to the total volume of blood.